Investment in NPL portfolios of the largest international banks and financial companies in the most prospective financial markets.
For dozens of years, we have committed hundreds of errors and set all imaginable records. Now we are happy to offer our partners unique opportunities related to NPL portfolio investments.
M.B.A. Finance is a leader in efficiency of portfolio investment management. We know where and how to earn more money even when the others see only obstacles.
If the money does not work quickly, it works poorly. More and faster than others — that is our main business principle at work with investors.
A team of professionals who already implemented thousands of super-successful business projects worldwide is our pride and a guarantee of success of our joint projects.
Over 27 years of successful operations, hundreds of grateful clients, dozens of unrivaled business cases and millions of solved problems of common people worldwide. We create a story of success of each business partner.
Full clarity of the law of the countries of our presence, detailed statements on all business processes and development of the unique legal base for each new project.
Teamwork is our cornerstone. We collected and developed the best professionals in their field. Each employee is an absolute expert in his or her field. We committed hundreds of errors so that now we do not need to develop the right solutions, we already know them.
This is the best news for you. Working with the market leader, you must have the best terms of cooperation. We know how to earn money and we value our partners.